Why lakes and ponds get polluted
Why lakes and ponds get polluted
The main disadvantage of any pond or lake is the stagnation of water flow which causes water pollution. Water pollution in a pond comes in three types:
Mechanical - household garbage and excess sand, clay, and small stones;
Biological - human waste and harmful microorganisms that actively reproduce in standing water;
Chemical - detergents, and chemicals.
Different methods of cleaning.
Cleaning of ponds and lakes in suburban areas includes a set of measures aimed at removing excess muck, sludge, and harmful organics.
There are several basic ways to clean a pond.
Chemical - detergents and chemicals.
Mechanical cleaning
Mechanical cleaning of the pond is carried out with the help of special devices:
Skimmer (dredger). Provides a collection of dirt and small natural debris on the surface and in the thickness of the upper layer of water. It is a catch basin connected to the pump standing on the shore by a flexible hose. Water from the pond is pumped into the dredge, passes through a cleaning filter, and flows back into the pond.
If the pond is moderately polluted, the skimmer can be placed in the center; if heavily polluted, in the dirtiest area. The skimmer works autonomously and does not require a connection to the power grid. Because only the upper layer of water can be cleaned with the device, its use is justified for cleaning decorative shallow ponds.
Water vacuum cleaner. Cleans the entire water column and hard-to-reach areas of the bottom. The principle of operation of the equipment is similar to an ordinary vacuum cleaner. The trap collects contaminants throughout the entire volume of the pond, after which they flow through a hose into a voluminous container.
As a preventive measure, the water surface should be cleaned manually from growing duckweed, fallen leaves, dead aquatic plants, and small twigs with a special net and fan rake.

Chemical cleaning
Performed with passive chemicals that help to:
clean the water of pathogenic microflora, destroying excess algae and duckweed;
Improve water clarity;
Reduce the content of methane and hydrogen sulfide;
aerate the pond.
In addition, the reagents ensure a normal level of water acidity, which is beneficial for fish reproduction and the growth of plants.